Suzanne Marie McCabe, Co-Leader of Pray & Play

Hello Ladies, My name is Suzanne Marie McCabe.  My amazing husband Shawn and I have been married for nine years and we have two beautiful blessings from God. Our son Ethan is seven and our daughter Isabella is almost three. While each and every day is another day I look forward to, life wasn't always that way. Before my Husband and I came to Christ we were the type of family that looked perfect on the outside, but inside we were falling apart. We were a couple that began living separate lives and behaving in ways surrounded around our own desires other that what Christ would want for us.
 Little by little we began to stray from one another until it came to the point that we were both convinced that we no longer loved one another and would be better with someone else. The lawyers were called, papers were drawn and we were officially done, yet a miraculous thing happened.... God had other plans for us. We began to realize that the missing piece all along was Christ and as we began to follow Him we found our way back into each other’s hearts and lives stronger than ever before.
We were able to forgive and begin a fresh and new life. We found our strength in our church and in friendships that also placed Christ in the center. We renewed our vows together on the beach with one of the most beautiful days God could have ever given us. Our lives are forever changed and strengthened because of Him and Him alone. Our favorite Bible verse says it all Matthew 19:26 With God ALL things are Possible! We owe all that we have and all that future holds as a family to God above and we will forever give thanks and worship Him for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us as a couple and as a family.