Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lesson 4: Lot's Wife

Lesson 4: Lot's Wife Genesis 19:15-26

Lot was living in Sodom where the inhabitants were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly(Genesis 13:14) Lot became a citizen of Sodom, sat at the city's gate in a position of authority, and was treated with honor as a relative of mighty Abraham, who had delivered the city from an invasion.

         Though Lot was regarded as a righteous soul,he evidently closed his eyes to the wickedness of the people and married a woman of Sodom. They had two daughters. Sodom was such a cesspool of sin that God declared He would destroy it. But because of Abraham's intercession,God agreed to save Lot and His family. So two angels went to take Lot and his family out of the city before God's judgment fell. Though Lot,his wife and daughters seemed reluctant to leave, the angels admonished them to escape to the mountain without looking back. Again, Lot hesitated. He wanted to go to the little city of Zoar. As they fled, fire and brimstone fell from heaven and completely destroyed Sodom. Walking behind her husband, Lot's wife turned to look back. She was overtaken with sulfurous vapors and became solidified with salt. She perished as she stood,entombed as a pillar. 

         Why did she look back? Perhaps she remembered the life of pleasure she was leaving behind and wanted one more glimpse of what she was giving up. Maybe she had so much unresolved guilt and hurt that she was unable to face a new life. Maybe she was angry at God for what was happening.

 Why Remember Lot's Wife?

We too live in a society today that is becoming more and more like that of Sodom. We live in a world that could be viewed as also being a cesspool of sin and sinners living within it. We are surrounded by pornography, violence, drugs, crime, divorce, and infidelity. God's wrath is also due upon us, yet it is through His mercy that we are spared each and every day. Jesus wants us to learn from Lot's wife. Instead of looking back or wanting the things of this world that He calls us to leave behind, we are called to fix our eyes solely upon Him and listen to His voice. It is the only way we are to survive in the days ahead. We are called to be His bride. We are not to look back at the old ways of the world and what sin has to offer, but to look ahead to what His kingdom has to offer. 

Reflection Questions

1. Are there things of this world that you look back on when God is calling You?

2. Are there obstacles that you need to overcome to leave the world behind and just walk towards Christ?

3. Are there things in your life or from your past that you still look back and harp on that are preventing you from walking on the path that Christ is trying to lead you on?


This week put aside all the cares of the world and all the tempting distractions, just simply leave them all behind, learn from Lot's wife...... follow God's wishes and don't look back!


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